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Carpathian coniferous forests: healing properties

02 October 2023

“Mountains or sea?” — this question often arises for those planning a vacation. If you consider all the factors, such as a beautiful landscape, clean air, a mild climate, and the absence of heat in summer, the choice is clear — the Carpathians! It is here that ideal conditions have been created not only for rest but also for health improvement. Let’s find out in detail why it is useful to walk in the forest and which conifers are common in the Carpathians.

Recreation areas in the mountains

Since ancient times, the mountain climate has been valued for its healing properties. Even during the times of the Austrian Empire, sanatoriums where aristocrats rested to overcome diseases of the respiratory system worked on the territory of the mountains. Although a lot of time has passed, the Ukrainian Carpathians still attract tourists. It is a large recreational area. Here, at any resort, you can restore your strength and improve your well-being since there are only mountain springs and forests around. Each coniferous tree of the Carpathians emits special substances into the air called phytoncides, which contain useful substances.

As for mountain springs, there are many places with healing mineral water on the territory of the mountains. For example, Yaremche, Truskavets, etc. Also, travelers often choose balneological resorts with thermal springs. They contribute to the treatment of diseases of the skin, heart, and musculoskeletal system. The combination of balneological springs with healing air filled with oxygen and essential oils has a beneficial effect on individual systems and the body as a whole. In addition, coniferous trees of the Carpathians are not only healing (pine, fir, spruce, etc.) but also have a positive effect on well-being. Long-lived beech is another coniferous tree common in the Carpathians.

Healing properties of mountain air

Coniferous forests of Ukraine saturate the air with phytoncides, which have an antiseptic and cleansing effect. They are even able to tame the causative agent of tuberculosis. Therefore, most sanatoriums specializing in respiratory diseases are located in coniferous forests.

If you want to achieve the maximum health effect, plan your vacation in the Carpathians for the second half of spring. The highest concentration of phytoncides is observed in May. Walking through an alpine coniferous forest helps with:

  • decreased immunity;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • respiratory diseases.

Varieties of conifers are a source of vitamins of groups B, K, and E. They contain more vitamin C than lemons. Residents collect needles and cones, from which they then prepare healing tinctures, jams, and tea. If you are vacationing in the mountains, we advise you to buy honey, harvest, or jam from pine cones. Then, after returning home, you will be able to keep your body in good physical shape.

Coniferous forests of the Carpathians: role in children’s health

Forests are a great place for children to improve their health. Healing air helps to overcome neurological problems, reduces stress, and soothes. In addition, rest in the mountains is recommended for children with chronic bronchitis, frequent sore throats, sinusitis, and enlarged adenoids.

Resting in the mountains is not only an opportunity to get rid of various diseases and stress. In addition, this is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the magical nature of the region, as well as with representatives of flora and fauna. ¾ of all mammals in the country live here. During recreation, you can see different subspecies of deer and roe deer. The Carpathians are also home to brown bears, squirrels, newts, beavers, etc.

Recreation here attracts people because of the opportunity to go fishing in mountain rivers as well as pick mushrooms and berries. But it is important to be an experienced mushroom picker so as not to come across a poisonous variety.

If you like active recreation and not just quiet walks in the forest, you have a unique opportunity to go rafting, jeeping, jump with a parachute, or choose a horse ride.

Winter holidays in the mountains are no less bright. In the cold season, recovery and walks can be combined with a skiing vacation and a visit to the spa center at the hotel. It is incredibly pleasant after an eventful day to visit a vat, a sauna, or swim in a heated pool. Children will also like this format of recreation. If they still have energy left after conquering the trails, children’s rooms with toys and playgrounds with attractions are at the disposal of the little guests.

The coniferous forests of the Carpathians are known not only for their healing air but also for their mystical atmosphere. It was not for nothing that the inhabitants of the mountains believed that every plant is endowed with a soul and that magical creatures live in the forest thickets. Probably, that is why the hills attract millions of tourists.
