Pysanka as a cultural heritage
21 March 2025
Easter in Ukraine is a holiday of incredible unity between families, traditions, rituals, religions and churches. The energy of this period is so powerful that it seems that it is at this time that every element takes on a special meaning and brings people back to the beginnings on which the simple truths of human existence are based. The pysanka is a perfect symbol of prosperity, rebirth, a new stage of development and spring awakening.
What is an Easter egg?
Easter eggs are not just a painted egg. It has sacred content during the Easter holidays, so it is endowed with special symbolism and meaning.
Ukrainian Easter eggs are one of the most ancient forms and manifestations of folk art. They intertwine symbols of eternal life, new beginning, awakening, spring joy and family warmth. It is a sunshine and a “devil” that opposes evil. It is a special charm of the family and family nest, which gives the space “protection” from evil eyes, words, and complaints. The very word “Easter egg” comes from “writing” which means to paint, draw, apply an ornament.
In modern times, pysankas do not lose their global symbolic role in Easter rituals. On the contrary, the history of Easter eggs evolves every century, ‘overgrown’ with historical achievements, which leads Ukrainian Easter eggs to a new status – intangible cultural heritage. A striking transformation of a seemingly ordinary Easter egg?
Stories about the origin of Easter eggs
The history of pysanky as a special phenomenon dates back to the times of pagan worship, where it served as a kind of prop for performing rites and rituals. Initially, pysankas were ceramic or wooden products ‘painted’ in the motifs of Trypillian culture.
In ancient times, even before Christianity, the Easter egg was a charm for the owner. Little balls were put inside the ceramic Easter eggs, which, when lightly trampled, knocked out the evil spirits and unclean power. According to the beliefs of our ancestors, the Easter egg itself was endowed with only good power, brought goodness and happiness to the house, and protected its owner from evil. It was buried in the ground for a rich, generous harvest. They exchanged lovers to express their feelings. After the arrival of Christianity, Pysanka retained its symbolism for the Ukrainian nation, but has acquired new meanings related to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
People believed that a painting is a whole art that requires special knowledge, skills, and wisdom to paint eggs so that the pattern of Easter eggs fulfilled a special purpose.
History of Easter eggs in Ukraine
The production of Easter eggs as one of the main Ukrainian traditions is given to sacred meaning.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Easter eggs on raw eggs were spread throughout Ukraine, but at different times it was“taken” and “prohibitions” of Easter eggs in Western Ukraine after the second half of the XX century were steadily intensified. Bright, symbolically painted with Hutsul motifs Easter eggs began to “write” for their families. The girls had to quench their thoughts, calm down, not be nervous and think only of the good meanings of being, which we’re about to give every work of art. They were not written in a group. The Carpathian woman remained alone, spoke special words, and brought each ornament to life with good intentions. At the same time, wooden souvenir Easter eggs are sold at fairs and festivals.
Easter eggs are decorated now and in the past during Lent. Most of them are made on the Thursday and Friday before Easter. Few people know that Easter eggs were also ‘painted’ in monasteries, where religious scenes were depicted on eggs. At Easter, Easter eggs are blessed in churches and taken to festive homes to be used in Easter games or for magical or ritual purposes.
The symbolism of Easter eggs
The traditional painting of Easter eggs on the eve of Easter is part of the ritual. It is possible to paint eggs from the second half of Easter. To start applying ornaments, the Easter egg is first divided into parts. It is from this point that the symbolism of Easter eggs and all the deep meanings that women try to invest in them begins to work:
- the egg divided in half symbolises two worlds;
- into three parts – three heavenly spheres;
- four – as the four cardinal points.
Next is the decoration of Easter eggs with symbolic ornaments, drawings, signs, namely:
- The sun means light, warmth, and protection from misfortune and disease. In paganism, the sun is a sign of Dazhboh, and in Christianity, it is a sign of God.
- The cross is a majestic symbol of the universe, new life and resurrection.
- The star is a symbol of the morning dawn, of love and affection.
- Spruce or fir trees are a sign of spiritual growth, health and youth.
- The tree of life is a symbol of God’s wisdom.
- Birds – for prosperity and new life.
- Animals: a deer is a symbol of wealth, and a horse is a symbol of endurance.
- Leaves and floral ornaments represent strength and authority for men, and a wish for women to feel the joy of motherhood.
- Forty wedges – this motif is one of the oldest and symbolises the cycle of the year.
- Meanders and spirals are a symbol of the continuity of life and the cyclical nature.
On one Easter egg you can tell a whole story, invest a special wish, warn against trouble, protect against disease, or simply create the incredible beauty of the Easter egg for the Easter table.
Color as part of symbolism
Typically, Easter eggs use seven basic colors, but the best option is a Pysanka painted five. It is a symbol of family happiness, harmony, and well-being What colors will be — you need to choose yourself, and for this it is worth knowing how to make Easter eggs and what each color means:
- Red is the colour of goodness, joy and love. In Christianity, it is a sign of the Lord’s Resurrection and sacrifice.
- Yellow is the colour of wealth, which is manifested through a successful harvest.
- Green is a symbol of hope for the best and faith in rebirth. It is about youth, spring, and beauty.
- Black is the colour of the earth, fertility, and eternity. It is associated with wisdom.
- White is a symbol of spirituality, purity and innocence.
- Blue is a symbol of the sky, harmony and peace.
- Brown is the colour of willpower and energy.
On the Easter egg, the pattern can be complex, multilayered, where colors often combine, but do not interfere with each other and retain all sacred properties.
Varieties of Easter eggs
The history of Easter eggs has no clear date of emergence, although the process of its formation as a kind of art has turned into a true historical phenomenon. Against this background, Easter eggs were branched over time, filled, developed, so that the world saw not only Ukrainian Easter eggs, but also at least five varieties of written Easter eggs:
- Krashanky – boiled eggs that are dyed with natural or artificial dye in one colour (monochrome).
- Krapanky – a wax painting technique is used for these eggs, where the wax is applied in ‘dots’ and then the egg is painted over. After each new layer is applied, the craftsmen add more dots, creating a symbolic ornament.
- Scratch eggs – patterns on these eggs are scratched with a needle on a painted background.
- Malyovanky – boiled eggs painted with a brush. Ornaments are created with the help of paints.
- A rare but available technique is ‘etching’, when a pysanka is created with vinegar or acid, which corrodes the paint in certain areas, creating an ornament.
But to create classic Easter eggs use wax technique and painting in several stages.
Easter egg technique
The ancient technique of Easter eggs without auxiliary modern details and tools is to apply a melted wax to a certain pattern on the egg. It is these wax lines that protect the ornaments from further coloring of the egg in different colors. The process consists of several stages:
- Preparation of dyes. Previously, natural dyes made from herbs, flowers, berries and vegetables were used. Nowadays, preference is given to artificial aniline dyes, which do not require special preparation; it is enough to dissolve them in warm water and vinegar according to the instructions.
- Preparing the instrument. A pysachok (pysaryk, also known as a bone) is a tool that has long been used to write Easter eggs. It consists of a wooden handle and a metal funnel that retains the heat of the wax.
- Writing a pysanka with wax and painting it. Put a small piece of wax in the pysachok and heat it over a candle for a few seconds. First, you can try applying the ornament on paper, and then proceed to the important mission of applying it to the egg, which you need to rotate in your hands. Remember that melted wax cools quickly, so you should immediately decide what kind of ethnic painting you plan to apply in order to calculate the speed and thickness of the lines. It all depends on the regional specifics – Bukovyna and Hutsul ornaments are painted with thin lines, while Naddniprians and Polissia ornaments are painted with wide lines.
- After the wax ornament is applied, the process of painting follows, and then the applied wax has to be removed again.
Of course, the first Easter egg may not seem perfect, but with each subsequent one, they reach new heights of skill and turn into real works of art!
Revival and preservation of traditions and influence in the present
Ukrainian Easter eggs, their authenticity, aesthetics and deep meaning, draw the attention of world connoisseurs of artistic masterpieces. They are dedicated to exhibitions, festivals, fairs, individual presentation spaces, concerts and thematic events.
Ukrainian Easter eggs are examined under a magnifying glass, studying every millimetre of the ornament. They are a phenomenon of Ukrainian Easter egg making, which has been developing steadily for about 50 years and is still in the hands of the masters who are the bearers of this art form. As long as the living history of pysanky is being created, it deserves the highest marks and an honourable place among the achievements of Ukraine’s intangible cultural heritage. Our ancestors have something to pass on from generation to generation, and our descendants have something to cherish and develop! Pysanka unites families and entire countries where the Ukrainian diaspora is united. It brings warmth, love and a special meaning to every home and gives the Easter holiday a sacred meaning!