Inverted house
Upside down house
It is impossible to imagine a vacation in the Carpathians without excursions, trips to the mountains, exploring new places and locations. It is difficult to sit still when there is so much beauty around, and the modern infrastructure and even the roads in the Bukovel resort are simply created so that tourists can freely travel to any attractions.

At the entrance to the village of Polyanytsia, you are met on the way by an incredibly informative, interesting, creative location — an upside-down house. Adults, and even more so children, are more likely to ask to run out of the car and go look at the unusual architectural structure, because an upside-down house is not found everywhere. Moreover, this location embodies the words of mothers about the eternal mess in the house, which children leave after playing at home: “They turned the house upside down!” That is why the upside-down house in Bukovel is a very symbolic, family, informative place that you want to explore in every square meter and see with your own eyes how familiar things change places.

House concept
In the Bukovel resort, the upside-down house is a creative architectural structure with an area of 85 square meters. It has a foundation, consists of two floors built using frame technology, and inside is a real family home, but every detail of it is turned upside down.

The uniqueness of the building
It is worth noting that the upside-down house in Bukovel is the only unique location in the Carpathians, which you will not find analogs in any resort in Ukraine. It is unusual in that everything that we can design in our imagination regarding the upside-down world harmoniously and very unconventionally fits into the interior of the upside-down house. Usual things become completely different, and the perception of the world by tourists changes somewhat from a different angle. Without a doubt, an excursion to the upside-down house in the Carpathians is an interesting experience that is worth getting and just having a great time together!

Interior description
Feel free to enter the overturned house in Bukovel and be prepared that the house will greet you not with a living room, but with an attic, and then it gets even more interesting:
- When you get to the first floor, you find yourself under the roof of the building in the form of an attic, loft or utility room, where the owners used to store unnecessary things. But not in this house! A beautiful, cozy interior has been created here with a fully furnished room, where even the things in the closets are upside down.
- The second floor from the ground (and by design — the first from the sky) opens up to tourists who have climbed the wooden stairs to the living room, kitchen, bathroom. All furniture and interior elements are nailed to the ceiling. They are interesting to look at, but sometimes you want to put everything in its place!
Some tourists may feel a little dizzy from a tour of the house, as they are not always willing to perceive the world and its objects in an unusual state. However, the upside-down house in Polyanytsia welcomes absolutely everyone who is ready for a new cognitive experience!

Benefits of visiting an upside down house
Tourists always bring back memories from their vacation, and the overturned hut in Polyanytsya is one of the best options to get unforgettable impressions from a stop near a popular place, and here's why:
- your photo feed is replenished with new creative photos from the inverted house;
- the emotions after visiting are always special, because this is a unique place, and therefore the entertainment is unique;
- numerous entertainments are concentrated on the inverted house — Dinosaur Park, attractions, local souvenir market, so a trip to a unique location can take the whole day.
In the company of a coniferous forest and a mountain river, which harmoniously envelop this location, active outdoor recreation in the Carpathians makes for unforgettable impressions!

How to get there?
In Bukovel, the inverted hut is located right on the “Yaremche – Bukovel” route, so you definitely won’t miss it! You can easily get to the location by bus or by your own car at the following address: Ivano-Frankivsk region, Polyanytsya village, Prokhodnyi st. 226. The route from the “Stara Pravda” hotel complex is 4.4 km.
Information line: +38 (095) 579 40 84
Opening hours: 09:00 to 21:00
Getting there: order a taxi at the reception / by bus (Ivano-Frankivsk / Bukovel) / your own car.

Why is this a must-visit attraction?
Emotions of joy and warm pleasant impressions from a holiday in the Carpathians are precisely those genuine feelings that remain in the heart of a tourist forever and warm the soul with memories for a long time. The Upside Down House in Bukovel is one of those original and accessible locations that is interesting for adults and children. Here you can have a great time with your family, and the children will remember the unique hut more than once at home and, undoubtedly, will ask to go to the Carpathians again!

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