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Skiing: how to learn?

19 December 2023

Winter is a time when nature is covered with a white blanket of snow and your heart longs for outdoor activities. One of the most fun winter sports is skiing. So let’s take a look at what techniques exist and how to ski.

What does a beginner need to know? 

Of course, the best way to learn the art of skiing is to find an instructor. But before you start lessons, you should make sure you have experience and ask for a demonstration of the technique. 

There is an opinion that if a person knows how to skate or snowboard, then learning to ski will be much easier. But this is not true, because the general principles and sensations are different. The only thing that will come in handy is good physical fitness.

The first thing you need for skiing, besides an instructor, is to find a place to learn. In Bukovel, trails for beginners and children are suitable for this. They have a small angle of inclination, so they are ideal for first attempts.

Also, it is better to ski with a group for the first time so that you are supervised in case you need help. 

As for the equipment, you should only buy a full set if you are sure that you like skiing and it is not just a momentary whim. For the first time, it’s better to rent everything you need at a rental center: skis, poles, boots, helmet, and mask. You can also rent knee and elbow protection if you need it.

If you are confident in your skills, but it is your first time in the Carpathians or other mountains, we recommend taking a lesson from an instructor. This way you can get to know the peculiarities of the local slopes.

How quickly can I learn to drive? 

Professional instructors say that the optimal age to start learning is 5-6 years old. It is much easier for children to master the technique compared to adults. However, if you did not have this opportunity before, it is never too late to take it up.

The main thing is desire and perseverance. Anyone can master this art if they make an effort and remember the rules of skiing. In addition, at any age, it is important to have the professional support of an instructor, as it is quite difficult to master the correct skiing technique on your own.

Do I need an instructor? 

Many beginners believe that they can learn to ski on their own. But when they find themselves in the mountains, they feel awkward. Therefore, it is better to use the help of a professional. This way you will save time and learn how to ski properly. At first, beginners are taught to ski in the classic way. They are given information about equipment, the right choice of skis, and are taught how to fall to prevent injury. 

If you are planning your first trip to the mountains, you can take 2-3 training sessions with instructors in your city. Usually, training sessions are designed for different age groups, so you can choose the best option. But it is better to use the services of local instructors in the mountains, for example, in Bukovel. They know the peculiarities of the slopes and have a perfect command of the technique. Trainers offer training individually or in a group of 2-4 people. 

Be prepared, it will be difficult at first, but then you will feel confident on the slopes and enjoy your outdoor activities.  

No book or video about skiing technique can replace practical lessons with an instructor.

Basic rules and secrets of skiing for beginners

Skiing technique is important in this sport, and you will learn it during training. The instructor will teach you

  • the stance;
  • rules of safe falling;
  • “plough”;
  • “herringbone”;
  • safe turns.

Stance is the key to successful skiing

Good skiing technique starts with the correct body position. Beginners often forget about this as soon as they start skiing. However, the correct stance is the first step towards mastering the key principles of skiing.

Why is the stance so important? The correct stance ensures that the load is evenly distributed, allowing you to maintain balance and control your movement. Do not lean backwards – this can lead to a loss of control over the skis. Hold the poles at chest level in front of you, slightly apart.

Falling safely

You may find it surprising, but the first ski lessons begin with learning how to fall properly. It is especially important to explain this aspect to children. Even professional skiers are not without falls.

If you feel that you have lost control of your skis, try to turn sideways to the slope and fall on your side. Lie down on the snow, starting from the hips, as if you want to sit down and rest in the middle of the slope. This will prevent possible injuries.

“Plough” — the first step into the world of skiing

The first stage of learning to ski is the plough. This position prevents the skis from accelerating during descents and helps you control your speed. However, the “plough” is only suitable for the first descents, when you are trying to feel the track and understand the principles of movement. Do not get used to this technique, as it will be difficult to relearn later.

“Herringbone” — overcoming slopes

While you are still in the plough, try to wag. You won’t be able to make full turns yet, but you need to feel how the technique works now. Move your skis smoothly from side to side. Be careful to follow a certain trajectory.

Turns — differences and nuances

It is important that the slope you are practicing on is small so that the skis do not accelerate.  Use poles to master turns. If you want to turn to the right, easily insert your right pole into the snow and gently walk around it. Now turn left. The main thing is to take your time. You will always have time to pick up speed, but proper technique requires discipline and training.

Skiing is a great emotion, so take the opportunity to go skiing!
